Idag kom min beställning från Amazon! Jag har fortfarande några böcker kvar från förra beställningen att läsa, men jag hittade några böcker som intresserade mig och kunde inte låta bli. Det har mest blivit e-böcker för mig på sistone som jag planerar att recensera inom en snar framtid.
Delirium av Lauren Oliver.
Kärlek som sjukdom, intressant ämne. Ser fram emot att läsa den.
They say that the cure for love will make me happy and safe forever. And I've always believed them. Until now. Now everything has changed. Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years suffocated by a lie.
Ascension av Caris Roane.
Serie: Guardians of ascension - bok 1.
Den här boken gjorde mig nyfiken eftersom den lät annorlunda. Bevingade vampyrer ... Ska bli intressant att se om den är lika spännande som den låter.
Allison Wells is no ordinary woman. Born with supernatural powers, she can never make love to a man without putting him in grave danger. But when her special vision reveals a glorious muscled man soaring overhead on mighty wings, she feels an overwhelming attraction she cannot resist - even as he tells her: "I have come for you. Your blood belongs to me."
The immortal rules av Julie Kagawa.
Serie: Blood av eden - bok 1.
Julie är en av mina favoritförfattare, så när hon kom ut med en ny bokserie var jag bara tvungen att kolla in den.
My vampire creator told me this: "Sometime in your life, Allison Sekemoto, you will kill a human being. The question is not IF it will happen, but WHEN. Do you understand?" I didn't then, not really. I do now.
Messenger's angel av Heather Killough-Walden.
Serie: The lost angels - bok 2.
Den första boken i serien var oerhört bra, och jag ser fram emot att få läsa den här.
Juliette Anderson has recently begun to fear for her sanity as inexplicable, and apparently supernatural, powers take hold of her life. Offered the oppertunity to work in a beautiful country which has always fascinated her, she accepts, desperate for escape.
Gabriel, the Messengers Archangel, has always called Scotland his true home. Nevertheless, he is stunned when his archess suddenly appears, after centuries of searching, in the land closest to his heart.
Immortal city av Scott Speer.
Den här lät så rolig att jag bara var tvungen att köpa den. Vill man ha en skyddsängel får man minsann betala för det!
Jackson Godspeed is the hottest angel in a city obsessed with Immortals. Everyone loves him. Everyone except Maddy Montgomery, that is. She's not interested in shallow celebrities .. Until Jackson takes refuge in the diner where Maddy works and an irresistible connection pulls them together.
Wicked nights av Gena Showalter.
Serie: Angels of the dark - bok 1.
Böcker om änglar lär jag nog aldrig tröttna på, så här är en till.
Leader of the most powerfull army in the heavens, dark angel Zacharel has been deemed to dangerous, too ruthless - and if he isn't careful he'll lose his wings. But the warrior will not be deterred ... until vulnerable mortal Annabelle tempts him.
Matched av Ally Condle.
En lite udda historia där samhället bestämmer allt för dig. Även när du ska dö.
On her seventeenth birthday, Cassia meets her match. Society dictates he is her perfect partner for life. Except he's not. In Cassia's society, Officials decide who people love. How many children they have. Where they work. When they die. But, as Cassia finds herself falling in love with another boy, she's determined to make some choices of her own. And that's when her whole world begins to unravel ...